There is two method to create the blog page with EBossss.
Method 1
1) Log into the RV SiteBuilder
2) Click on the Create Blog icon
3) On the database configuration page, you can configure your database manually or automatically, then click Submit button
4) Done. Now you can configure your site from Step 1 until Step 7
Method 2
If you previously have create the Web Site Project, you may add on the blog component.
1) Select the Project that created
2) Go to Step 4
3) Click Create/Change Database button
4) On the database configuration page, you can configure your database manually or automatically, then click Submit button

5) Click on the Blog then click the Add button
6) Click Save button to have the change
7) Now you can edit your page at step 5. For create a post for your blog, you need to publish your Project first. After that go to your blog page, log into the admin panel by the login detail that you create for the Component Management Administrator in Step 7.