NOTE: Please take note that now SpamAssasin has been replaced by Spam Filters.
No worries. Spam Filters have the same feature/function that provided by SpamAssasin.
Enabling Spam Filter in cPanel :
1. Kindly login to the Cpanel with with the URL as
or http://domain_name:2083 (with SSL) or http://domain_name:2082 (NON SSL).
2. Scroll down and find "Spam Filters" then click on it to proceed.
3. You will see the status indicating that Spam Filter is : disabled/enabled.
To enable the Spam Assassin for your domain, click on the bar to blue colour.
If your hosting provider enables this feature by default. You cannot disable this feature.

4. The installation will proceed and once done, you will be prompted for a message that
Spam Filter has been enabled for your domain.