How should you read your marketgoo SEO score

Your SEO score can be useful in several ways and should be used as a means to:

  • Measure success - Analyze the evolution of your score as an indicator of medium and long-term performance.

  • Identify problems - Significant decreases in score should alert you to website issues that you should pay attention to.

  • Compare sites - Compare your SEO score to other sites to determine how your website is performing compared to your competitors.

Completing tasks to optimize your pages can help increase your SEO score, but this work alone may not give you the boost you'd like to see. You'll need to monitor and maintain your site regularly to see long-term improvements in your SEO score.

How should you look at it?

  • You should analyze your score progress as an indicator of your website's short- and long-term performance for SEO.

  • Major score changes should alert you to problems with your site.

  • Each task you complete within the tool will indicate whether you are making progress or not.

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